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Abandoned Dream Meaning

Christiano Ronaldo
Abandoned Dream Meaning - To abandon one's home in a dream suggests that you have already left your past behind as you strive to move on with your life. This dream also suggests that you have a good future ahead. May be you have had a difficult past that seemed difficult to forget. A house in a dream symbolises the dreamer's soul. Therefore when the house is abandoned in your dream, it suggests the need to forget the past, especially habits and hardships. It is important to move ahead to attain a new life.

Abandoned Dream Meaning

A dream about an abandoned house can be seen to have very many meanings depending on the status of the house in the dream and the person having the dream. For instance, when in your dreams the house is a old or run-down, this shows how you think and feel in life. It also shows your habits. This dream can mean that you were having bad habits or thoughts that you decided to leave and start a new life that is full of good thoughts and habits. It shows that you have completely destroyed or forgotten about your past actions and habits and moved on. To dream of an old and abandoned house can also indicate that you need to update the way you think in life.

To see many derelict or abandoned houses in your dream signifies past reminiscences and encounters. Additionally, it may highlight family problems of behavior and attitudes. To see an untidy abandoned house is really a sign to organize ideas, but an excessively newly made loft might point mean anexistence that's too formal and timid. Ghosts within the abandoned house represent reminiscences that haunt you, although a jumble of unused clothes and equipment reflects unused energy. In some instances, particularly individuals by which the ideal home has been abandoned but is radiant and heavenly, may represent your greater self however in general,

There may be a fear of being left or losing someone, perhaps arising from an actual experience of loss in the past. You need to consider whether your feelings of abandonment are also feelings of dependence. But it depends what you have a given yourself to – if it is careless abandonment it could lead to careless results. If it is to your wholeness then it might mean a journey into yourself.

Nearly always such feelings offer opportunities to meet ones fears and learn greater independence. Difficulties surrounding this are often linked with what we frequently call love, but might, for greater clarity, be called dependence. For instance, if a partner leaves us and we experience great pain, much of that pain and anxiety comes about because we have depended upon our partner to supply, or help supply, such needs as money, a place to live, social standing, sexual satisfaction, a sense of being wanted, companionship and support in crises.
Dependence and need are often so closely intertwined it is difficult to really separate them. But I feel that life in us is constantly trying to move toward survival and independence. But being independent does not mean leaving a partner. But if the thought or feeling brings distress or difficult feelings it becomes suspect and might have links with childhood experiences. But an amazing sense and experience can flower from the freedom of true independence. It is more rewarding than simple independence, and with infinite possibility. Life could begin in an entirely new way. Relationships could be things of depth, variability, and beauty, once freed of the shackles of the eternal buzzing fears and pains.

Read Abandon Dream Meaning and Abandonment Dream Meaning

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